
 AI&P Tactical, LLC Scottville Michigan

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Locals do not check out on the store, call me with your order and I will have it ready for you to pick up. To figure your out the door price add 6% sales tax, but you can subtract 3% if paying cash.  If you want to use a Credit Card then you will simply check out on the store and I will refund the cost of the shipping since you are picking up.   Call 231-690-0954 to order.

K9 Leashes

As a K9 Officer I understood the need for a quality leash.  I tried them all and decided that Nylon was the best for Patrol and Tracking.  It is strong and cleans up easy.  A strong snap hook is essential and I use the HK type.  Last thing you can have is your leash failing as that puts your K9 at risk and you as well.   These leashes also adjust quickly as you often need a shorter lead and converting fast is important.   You can also secure your K9 to any object easily when needed with these leashes.  I pulled my Kubota BM1870 round my yard with these leashes and none failed.  The 92lb bonded nylon thread gives this added strength.    

Pet owners with large breeds will also benefit from the strength and durability of these leashes.   Also if any of you have a concept for the type of leash you want just yell as my seamstress is a wiz and the commercial machine we sew on can tackle the toughest jobs so we may be able to make it for you.