Product Description
Uncle Mike's 16310 Gun Tite Adhesive 6ml Tube. My first Exectutive Order when I become President will be to make Loc-tite a Controlled Substance. As a Gun Smith I have had to deal with the nightmare of having to work on a gun some guy used the wrong loc-tite on and I had to try and not damage the gun and repair his mistake.
I recomned this product as it is Blue version and removable. Just remember to use a very, very, very small drop. Trust me just because a very, very, very small drop works perfectly does not mean five small drops works five times as good as they don't and you risk all kinds of problems. The Remington XPro Trigger recall was because the Vendor who makes them for Remington used to much Loc-tite and pieces broke off into the trigger housing. Cost Remington hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Gun-Tite welds on scope mounts, tightens loose or worn screws, anchors swivel bases, etc., but can be easily removed.